273 results found displaying 28-30
Mechanism to capture license plate numbers Printer Friendly Version
Accidents do happen everywhere and on the Indian highways most of them are hit and run cases where the victim is left at the mercy of any passerby for any help. And many a times the culprits go scot-free because no one noted the license plate number.
Given that there are many processors in modern automobiles, a mechanism could be developed such that the bumpers of the automobiles have 2 port, an input and output port. On the output port the license number of that automobile is constantly advertized. The input port is constantly monitored for the license number of any other automobile which comes in contact. This number could be stored on a EPROM which is located in a relatively safer place of the automobile. With this mechanism not only the culprits of hit and run case could be found but also of that idoit who damaged your car in the parking lot.
Reward: Such a mechanism on my car

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 United Kingdom
Car alarm after the fact Printer Friendly Version
Simple idea, for expensive cars...
If your car is stolen, when you wake up in the morning, all you have to do is flick a switch and panels on the roof begin to flash, this will alert people on the street + police know that the car is stolen. The panels could be on the door and on the roof.

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Electromagnetic Battery Charger Printer Friendly Version
On an electric powered car, make the drive shaft(s) into high power electromagnetic battery chargers. While driving on one set of batteries in the front of the car, the batteries are being charged in the back of the car. When the batteries in the front of the car are depleted, switch over to the batteries in the back of the car while the ones in the front charge. Add in a computer controlled circuit for switching circuits on the batteries.
Reward: Get one of the cars for free

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