80 results found displaying 31-33
Stefan Micke
Stopper for Carving Skis Printer Friendly Version
Those who enjoy carving skiing might have already noticed this little problem: Carving without skiing poles can be a lot of fun, but as soon as you line up for the ski-lift, getting ahead can become really hazardous. Things are worse on an uneven surface; once your skis start following gravity, there's not much you can do against it (unless you find someone to hold on to). I am still waiting for an invention to prevent carving skis from moving when you don't want them to. Quite logically, such an invention would need a security mechanism to keep it from deploying while skiing.
Reward: Free stoppers for my family and free lifetime-replacement.

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Dustin Lackford
50 yard'er Printer Friendly Version
A football that tells u how far you threw it after u through it. ex. if i threw it 20yd at the push of a button a voice will tell you how far you just threw it.
Reward: My name in big print on the football.

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 New Zealand
Motorised Skateboard Printer Friendly Version
Motorised skate boards have been around for a while. Basically they are snowboard sized skateboards with 40ish cc engines on the back of them, usually chain or belt driven the back wheels. This is fine, but these monsters can't really be used on or at a skate park. Because of the size and the weight of them, it is impossible to do tricks with them.
What i am thinking about is a motor that is attached to the back of an ordinary skateboard, but it is detachable. So once you get to the pack, you simply undo the fasteners and pull it off.
You want to be able to attach the device to any skateboard, so a means of propulsion needs to be thought of that doesn't include the skateboards wheels (jet propulsion isn't really an option either).
A swing arm out the back of the skateboard would probably do the trick. The swing arm would have a single rubber wheel on it and be spring loaded so that it is always in contact with the ground. The wheel could be belt, chain or shaft driven.
And the engine could be either electic or petrol (chainsaw for prototype). Electric posses the problem of batteries and petrol posses the problem of weight.
I started to make a prototpe of this (many moons ago, when i was about 14) but the centrivical clutch broke on the engine and i never got round to finishing the project.
any improvements anyone?
Reward: once in production..... a discount

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