80 results found displaying 22-24
Antonin Prohaska
 Czech Republic
Soccer Fan Passport Printer Friendly Version
European soccer fans are not allowed to drink beer during most international games. The reason is that some hooligans are known to react aggressively on alcohol. So, as always, the majority gets punished because of a few idiots. As a Czech citizen, I enjoy drinking beer with a good soccer match, and I stay very relaxed and peaceful after that. My idea is that the European Football Association should issue official beer drinker's passports for soccer fans, attesting how they react on alcohol. (This passport should be voluntary, of course!) If your passport certifies that you are a peaceful beer-drinker, you get to buy beer at European stadiums.
Reward: Free beer or free match tickets, whichever is more convenient.

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Vitamine Machine Printer Friendly Version
Have you seen the diabetic PDA machine that measures the amount of insulin in the blood by a body suction cap thingi.
I think a derivitive of that machine that could measure the amount of vitamins and minerals in your blood and say if you've have an overdose of vitamin C or you need more vitamin C today. This would help anemic people and everybody in general keep track on what they're eating and what they need to be eating.
How do we know if we got the right doses of vitamins and minierals today.
Reward: A machine like this would make you a billionaire.

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Christopher Gregory Dore
Snow Scooter Printer Friendly Version
I have an Idea for an extreme snow scooter. It would be kinda like a razor scooter but instead of haveing wheels it has to skiis. On to steer with and on to ballance on underneath the platform wich you stand on.

I think it could sell for $150 and they would be really popular with the kids. I think it could be a new extreme sport like snowboarding.
Reward: Free product.

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