72 results found displaying 16-18
Ads on toilet paper rolls Printer Friendly Version
Anyways the toilet paper roll is going to be used and thrown into the bin. How about asking corporates to put their advertisements on it? The corporates could then sell the toilet paper roll for less than a penny (subsidize the price).
That way, companies catch the attention of the people 'REAL Time' !!! (Truly Focussed Advertisement) and people won't mind using the buying cheper toilet paper rolls!
It's a win-win situation for both the buyer and the seller!
Reward: Let me know if you like it and want to use it. I will be happy that my idea worked !

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Different Colored And Altered Mirrors Printer Friendly Version
Silver Nitate with an added color could turn one mirror or parts of a mirror a different color or colors. If you need to see your true color you would just add the fancy colors around the edges or out of your viewing area. You could also have a glow in the dark mirror. You can basically add any chemical or chemical process to a silver nitate mirror backing for any effect you want granted you can still see yourself clearly.
Reward: Simple... One of each kind to fill the rooms with mirrors.

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Toilet Covers of Doom Printer Friendly Version
I know that there is a kind of toilet seat cover. Only those are all weird plastic stuff and are all crinkily and feal really odd. It would be nice if someone could make a kind that would fit snugly on the seat. These would be nice because if you were having a party you could just fit the seat with one and take it off when the guests left.
They could also be used in public places and be changed every day.
They would be washable (maybe they could be dishwasher-safe, he-he).
Reward: Some with pawprint designs

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