31 results found displaying 22-24
The Wake-up Bed Printer Friendly Version
Many people have a big problem with hearing the snoozing of the clock. In addition to this problem we think that they need to create an invention to that matter.
The solution for waking up in the morning would be that people can program their bed at night before going to sleep and instead of the bed waking them up with a sound or music, it starts moving slowly, and little by little the movements become stronger.
Reward: a sample of the item

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Want to have more "room" in your room? Printer Friendly Version
When some friends comes in to your house, don't you want them to say "Wow! You have an organized clean room!"? Well, now if your closet is always throwing up clothes out of it and you dont want anyone seeing how unorganized and/or lazy you are, you can use this advice:
Have a closet that would actually push into your wall and a door would cover it like there's nothing there! To get the closet out, there would be wheels under it. It wouldn't show if your closet is just a blast. Then your mom doesn't have to worry about yelling at you to clean your room and you don't have to worry about cleaning it.
Reward: Have a closet like that in my room, perhaps?

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Water shooting Alarm clock Printer Friendly Version
I'm doing an invention convention at my school, and I'm doing an water shooting alarm clock. Whenever you're sleeping, sometimes the alarm clock just won't wake you up. So you need this product, which wil jet out a stream of water on your face everytime the alarm rings, and you'll start the day refreshed.
Do you guys know a way i can make this?
Reward: Get it free

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