209 results found displaying 25-27
Autos: IR Reflective Windshield/Glass Printer Friendly Version
Cars get HOT in Texas. I mean like deadly hot. Frequently, someone leaves a dog or a child in a car here in Texas and an hour later, tragedy. On a less severe level, another regular occurance is the welts that occur on your legs when wearing shorts when sitting on leather seats that have been baking in the sun.
It would be nice if car companies could use the same IR reflecting technology used in some light bulbs and photo equipment to reflect infrared wavelengths back away from the car window. The car body should still transmit enough heat to keep the inside warm enough. Is it possible to create glass that reflects IR in the scale of a car windshield?
Edit: I was just informed that my idea was good enough to be used by someone.
Reward: Of course, a new car with this in it would be nice!

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 United Kingdom
Solar Powered Safety Idea for Vehicles Printer Friendly Version
How about a solar panel fitted behind both front and rear bumpers, that charge up a battery during daylight?
This will power the hazard lights, so that if the car ever breaks down and loses all power, these hazard lights could be activated by the small Solar powered batteries, to warn other drivers that you are there!
The power is independent from the car's main power source, so it would still be able to function, warning other drivers of your presence.

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Public Solar Panels that Charge Your Car Battery For Free Printer Friendly Version
Sometimes when driving in the city and you get a dead battery, you wish there would be free and accessible juice to charge your car battery.
There should be light poles with solar panels attached, that provide enough power to charge your vehicle's battery for free. This might be a good idea at rest areas, too.
Reward: A pack of 4 AA rechargeable batteries.

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