128 results found displaying 55-57
nicholas anthony
Marital Status Shirts Printer Friendly Version
Talking directly to people is one of the few ways to let them know your marital status. For shy people like myself this is not very easy. Some of us (shy people) would really like to talk to others at times but find it extremely hard. If we had designated tee shirts meant to display our thoughts that would be awesome. My shirt could say 'I am single and shy, talk to me'. Wearing this at the right time could help influence a person that likes you to go the next step. This would also help people who are very slow to act. These shirts could help these slow people to have a lot more opportunities finding a woman they like. Couples could also buy the shirts for each other. Colors could also designate what the wearer is thinking. If these become popular enough a clothing line could be made.
Reward: None :)

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Hippie shoes Printer Friendly Version
I love the way fresh grass feels between my toes if someone could produce a flip flop that had a chia grass that grew on the inner sole of the shoe so no matter where you were it would feel like grass. It would be great!
Reward: lifetime of shoes for myself and friends

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Old Sock Tester Printer Friendly Version
We all know how battery testers work: you find a battery in your home or office and have no clue if it's still usable. You attach it to a battery tester and voila - the battery is flat so you can happily dispose of it.
But on washing day, what are you to do if you find a couple of stray socks? Sure, you can smell every single one of them, but that isn't only unpleasant, but it can actually damage your health, e.g. if you're allergic to dust. Alternatively, you can throw everything you find into the washer, but that'll unnecessarily shorten the life-span of your clothers, plus, by washing stuff that's already clean you're not exactly doing a favor to our environment.
This is where the sock tester comes to play: scan the socks (or any other garment you may have found) with the sock tester, and the sock tester will tell you if they actually need a washing.
Reward: Free sock testers for me

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