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Celebrate Education every Month Printer Friendly Version
I have seen students suffer when their year is down (failed), some have even committed sucide. This happens because students start studying when exam comes close by and there is too much accumulation of syllabus.
Hence the solution lies in creating 10 standards out of today's every class, i.e. if students passes today's sixth class then it will be termed as 60th in the new system. There will be only one final exam consisting of all subjects thought for that month, i.e. in a year there will be 10 exams and each of one month's syllabus.
In this system students will study at the end of every month and the best of all is that if they fail then they will lose only one month of their life, i.e. if one fails in std 11 then he remains there for next month only because std 11 will be only for one month.
Please tell this idea to education authorities if u know any.
Reward: Search for "zyx" in CreativityPool.com and send email to everybody in your address book asking them to do the same; U have to do this because more the people know about this idea the better are its chances of being used. Or thank me at zyxRationalist@yahoo.com

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John Montgomery
Academic Papers Database Printer Friendly Version
I propose that the national government expend public funds to sponsor scientific research by creating a comprehensive Academic Papers Database. Many journals and data warehouses exist to contain academic papers, but a central data repository would have numerous advantages.
1) Undergraduate students who produce papers for college could have their papers permanantly inducted into the database when submitted for grading in electronic form. Thereafter, University Professors all over the country could execute a text comparison search against papaers already in the database to detect plagarism.
2) Graduate researchers and specialists could search a single Internet source for their research rather than many.
3) The data warehouse would serve as a repository of human knowledge that could be easily archived in permanant (optical) form as a time capsule of the 21st century.
4) We could better share work with other nations and between scientists with a central resource.
5) The government may need to restrict access to certain types of information in order to protect from terrorist attacks. A central warehouse for information can be made secure, but uncontrolled stockpiles of information on nuclear physics, bio-terrorism, explosive chemistry, et cetera could be exploited by the wrong people.
6) Centralized data containment can become a source of public revenue by charging for access time to the database. Naturally, the price would be kept low due to the efficiency of centralized management. Rather than belong to 10 scholarly journals that impose high fees, a researcher can use the comprehensive Academic Papers Archive for one low price.
7) Library science can grow to its fullest potential only when all of the information in human civilization is availible for review by a single administrative organization. The science of classification to facilitate searches requires the broadest possible flexibility to permit interdisciplinary sciences to emerge and grow.
8) Outdated information that is no longer current or valid can be rejected when all the data for a given subject is under central review. Modern research proceeds as fast as individuals can get information about the subject and how it changes ; if the turn around time for experimental ideas improves, science will discover new knoweldge faster.
9) The paper volume of scientific information doubles every decade. To slow this explosion of scholarly effort, we must ensure that people can know what is currently open for investigation all over the world in all fields. That way duplicated effort will be done to verify or disprove results, but never "overdone" by more researchers than are necessary to complete a given task.
10) Textbooks about the subjects of knoweldge can be written once the database gets formed ; a comprehensive database could lead to text books that are the most comprehensive, balanced, and fair treatments of the subjects that can be made.
Reward: I'ld like to be able to surf the Academic Papers Archive to read the latest research in all fields of interest!

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Suburban Business Units Printer Friendly Version
Suggesting that each suburb in a city should be run as a strategic business unit, with the individual tax collection or a large percentage of it going towards meeting local development needs like education system and unemployment within the same suburb, consequently the more the employement the more the spending budget would increase for the suburb, giving a incentive to the corporator running the suburb to ensure higher employment.
The corporate tax collection from the suburb with a small % retained the rest going to the central pool.
This system could be a prevalent one but from where I come from....we could do with such administration.
Reward: Tell me ways to make it workable

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