94 results found displaying 49-51
Replace Pills by Medicinal Patches Printer Friendly Version
In a couple more years the world population of senior citizens will have risen at it's fastest pace ever. Everyone of them will be taking pills and choking them down. Many will be on so many pills, through out the day, that they won't be able to stomache, swallow, or keep track of them. I am seeing that happen right now.
Instead of pills we should allow drugs or drug cocktails in patch form like the nicotine patches for quiting smoking. This way they will have their twilight years spent with a few patches rather than bogged down with 20 pill bottles to refill and carry around for redosing. Patches are slim, effective, and can give medicine better than pills when they last longer and give a continous stream of medicine through out a day. We should abandon the pills and go with the patch.
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Rolling Rubber Wheel or Ball for Leg/Ankle Casts Printer Friendly Version
Right now we have a way to include anything into the plaster on the bottom of the foot for casts but, so far we have only added a rubber pad for stepping. The exact thing we don't want them to do. Stepping further injures the leg or foot or ankle.
If we add a caster ball or soft rubber wheel to the bottom of the cast, that is slow moving, then we can scoot the foot eliminating the stepping and allowing those with casts to keep up when walking next to a person without a cast and also would help speed up the healing process of the broken bone with no chance of reinjury. The key to this idea is that you would never have to lift your foot. You simply scoot your foot along any surface in a controled manner. We take stepping totally out of the picture.
Most of all buildings have handi-capped entries to them and you can scoot along where the wheel chairs go to get into the building. We make the wheel or caster-ball out of soft rubber and we slow it down with slower ball bearings or in the case of the caster, if it is made of soft rubber, it would already move slow where we wouldn't slip and fall due to your foot coming out from under you. Safe, convienient, and helps the healing process. It puts you back into physical movement, safely, where you can keep up with everyone else.
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Slip Cover for Cigarette Filters Printer Friendly Version
Slip covers for cigarettes that are not the usual tip or attachment. No inconvienient, long tip that the cigarrete can fall out of or lessen the strength of the cigarette smoke. It does not filter the cigarette but, rather it is a slip cover that has a tapered end and is reusuable to keep the smell and stains off your fingers and covers the entire filter.
Basically it is a plastic tube which stays on the cigarrette making smoking the same experience and does not change anything but the protection of your fingers. Since the tip is tapered it would fit all cigarettes from fat to skinny cigarettes. Staining of the fingers smells, is hard to remove, and may cause other problems like possible acne when you rub your face with nicotine not to mention unattractive to others.
Today's attachments are dangerous when the cigarette falls out and they are made to filter out the strength and flavor or amount of the cigarette smoke. My product allows confortable, normal smoking without any of those problems.
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