50 results found displaying 13-15
Pet Door Printer Friendly Version
It would be awesome to make a pet door that responded to a specially made collar by opening. If another cat, or dog or a pest tried to get in, the door wouldn't budge. This would be nice because on hot days the dog could stay inside and not overheat, while still being able to do its buisness in the yard. And those nutsy cats would be able to go in and out as much as they pleased.
The only problem? Many cats love to shed their collars.

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No hassle pooper scooper Printer Friendly Version
A pooper scooper that does not require getting too close to the poop. Similar to any tool that permits the pick-up of litter from a standing position, this pooper scooper would use the same mechanism but would have a large paddle device at the end which would permit the poop to be gathered. I also believe by adding an extra hinge, a bag could be placed on the device and if sufficent angle could be reached, the poop could be deposited in the bag so the device could be used several times till bag is full and thus preventing the dog owner having to bend down or get too close to the poop.
Reward: if not invented or developed yet I hope someone can make a few dollars from the idea

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Plastic Flexible Fish Tanks Printer Friendly Version
If you don't like square fish tanks or round ones you have no other choice. If you make the tank flexible your square tank turns into a roundish but supported tank. This would distort viewing purposes a little but which tank full of water doesn't. The fish would be seen as a round object and be quit hilarious in different parts of the tank except for top viewing. I think we could make any shaped tank flexible and it would be loads of fun.
A plexy-glass clear plastic that is flexible is all that would be needed and as someone who used to fill plastic type boat water tanks they stand up to any pressure so no leaks, no breaks, and the coolest tank in town. Hmm.... I wonder what shape I want... maybe tubular like the little cyclone machines. Maybe even combine cylone action with the dizzy fish!
Reward: I would like to own a fish. Also a fish tank so that I would never lose him/her.

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