81 results found displaying 34-36
MedWiki Printer Friendly Version
A website where medical researchers, practitioners (aka doctors) and the public share news and insights on latest happenings on the world of medicine.
Researchers and doctors share their research findings and add information on diseases and treatment options. The content would be reviewed and updated, similar to the wikipedia-style, by fellow researchers and doctors who would gain by publicizing their work and speciality.
The public can get the latest research findings in simple, comprehensible language direct from the research world. For example, they can get information on the efficacy, side effects, etc. of new drugs, to treat hypertension from MedWiki through rss feeds or e-mail alerts.
A win-win partnership created for all three parties - researchers, doctors and public. Are you excited by the idea or is it already out there? I am pretty close to launching the site but I want to know what other people think of it. I sincerely welcome your suggestions and thoughts.

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 United Kingdom
Human Auction Site Printer Friendly Version
Don't worry - not what the title may suggest. I propose a site from which members could share abilities. For example: I am in a band. We have made a record, but we need some album art. So in return, we search for an artist to some album art. The artist could be given our music free. Alternatively, a proprietary currency could be used which could be exchanged according to the difficulty/length of the task. This money could be exchanged for real money, allowing people to make money with the site. Bids could be made, with the task going to the lowest bidder.
Alternatively, you could help people by offering services free to everyone/certain people, with awards for the most 'charitable'. All sorts of services, from proofreading to instructional/teaching services could be exchanged. It could also provide a marketplace for independant music/films/literature without publishers etc.
Reward: Would like to be kept informed of any progress, maybe even have the option of collaborating.

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Web Search Printer Friendly Version
I would like it if someone made a web search that would find the thing you were looking for off a description. For example, say you wanted to... find a special puzzle that messes with peoples minds. But you couldn't remember what it was called. You could just write a detailed description. And, you see the name of the puzzle and a link to a website that has it.

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