31 results found displaying 22-24
 United Kingdom
Alarm Clock with hard disk MP3s Printer Friendly Version
How about an alarm clock with a built in hard disk that you can transfer your favourite MP3 tracks to via USB. It would be like an ordinary bedside alarm clock, but the alarm would play your favourtie music MP3 to wake you up!
Reward: i want one!

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Alarm Clock Printer Friendly Version
I always oversleep or ending up pressing the snooze button 10 times before I wake up. Why not create an alarm clock that has multi-functions: you have to sleep next to the alarm clock, it's positioned not too far away. So - when the alarm rings, and you do not wake up after 8 minutes, the clock has a hammer that hits your head. If you are still not awake after 15 minutes, the clock will spray water to your face. will try to think of other functions.
Reward: suggestions and opinions to make it come true.

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Nose Guards For Particulates Printer Friendly Version
Just like a "Breathe Right" glue strip you could create a bandage-like nose guard that is breathable but doesn't let in allergens, hair, or drool - only clean air.
They just stick around the bottom of your nose with holes in cotton fiber glued up around the nostrils where the bandage glue part keeps them in place. Also nice to wear outdoors.
We have full face masks and similar coverings made of cotton fiber, but these are too big and uncomfortable to wear at any time. These are small and take up only the small end of your nose like little comfortable cotton tents around each nostril.
Reward: A personalized set with the initials A.S.B.

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