63 results found displaying 1-3
Energy Conservation - Parking Lots Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever seen the city lights at night ... noise pollution right? Well what about all the costs associated with those lights? Think of all those huge parking lots that have giant lights glowing all night long ... why? Now the facility owners and management will tell you it's about security, which is vaguely reasonable. However, they only need to be on when someone is there.
IDEA: Add motion sensors to all those light poles so that when someone moves in the area at night, the lights come on, but otherwise it is peacefully dark and quiet. Given the spacing of these poles typically should create a "grid" that would light an area with any activity - security maintained. Plus the cost savings from electrical conservation.
Reward: Credit for expressing the idea.

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Energy generation from ponds of fish Printer Friendly Version
I want to generate energy from the ponds where fishes are. They generate waves due to running in the water, that can be extracted from there.

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Eliminate Printed Ads/Coupons from Mail Printer Friendly Version
Almost everyday I get home and find page after page of ads and coupons in my mailbox. I immediately discard this physical "spam" in the conveniently placed recycle bin, which is full of the same ads that my neighbors in my apartment complex have thrown away.
It seems that most people don't even glance at these ads and it is a huge waste of paper (not to mention extremely annoying sifting through to make sure you don't throw any important mail away). I propose initiatives to cut back, if not eliminate, this daily waste of our needed resources. We have spam filters for email. Why not do the same for mail?
Reward: Feedback and any progress updates

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