50 results found displaying 28-30
Anti-Static Pet Brush Printer Friendly Version
When your long hair cat or dog has problems with its fur and feels uncomfortable, you can brush him or her with this Anti-Static brush to help with the problem and add a nicer looking coat of fur as well.
This brush will pull out the static electricity and their fur will lie down strait and look more sleek. It may even pull out the dander and dirt along with the electricity. It basically acts like a clothes dryer sheet and could perfume the cats fur at the same time.
Reward: Credit

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Vanity Pets Printer Friendly Version
Concept: Sick of looking at that marmalade cat? Why not create the pet of your dreams.
Solution: First, an electrolysis session for your pet (this will ensure that the animal’s natural hair doesn’t grow back). Now for the fun part – a pet hair transplant (conveniently, this has already been human tested). There would be no limit to color, patterns and textures to choose from, with a complete line of natural and synthetic hair. How about a psychedelic cat, checkered dog or a gerbil with pinstripes?
Practical applications include:

- an easily identifiable pet with hair patterns arranged to indicate owner’s address, phone number or name

- quadruped billboard (generate advertisements on the side of your pet)

- synthetic hair completely eliminates shedding

- make your pet appropriately match home décor prior to stuffing

- afro pooch

- when you tire of your pet, don’t get rid of him, just change his breed e.g. a St. Bernard that resembles a Dalmatian

- have a horse? make your own zebra
Reward: A pink chinchilla with a pom-pom head piece.

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 United Kingdom
Anti-algae glass for fish tanks Printer Friendly Version
I noticed on just about every fish tank I've seen, a lot of the glass gets covered in algae and it takes a lot of time to clean. The glass of the tank could be covered in something which plants won't grow on.
I know it sounds simple and someone's probobly already thought of it but I haven't seen anything around like that.
Reward: Free product

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