79 results found displaying 58-60
All ports into 1 Printer Friendly Version
My idea is simple. Since I am in tech support, they should have an adapter that takes monitor, usb, parallel, etc and outputs it into a single connection. The other end would have a single connection that would plug into the computers monitor, usb etc. The point of the connector is for quick disconnects in a business environment.
Reward: I dunno...

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Screen with integrated web-cam Printer Friendly Version
Nowadays you can chat with people as you watch them but you need to buy a external web-cam. My idea is why not include one on the monitor?
Reward: more ideas

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Computer CD Carousel Printer Friendly Version
This combination computer stand and CD carousel would hold several hundred CD's, like a juke box of old.
CD's would be catagorized for easy access and available at the touch of an on screen button or digital information screen on the carousel. Music, word processing, drawings, photos--all would be easy to store and easy to get to. No more plastic cases.
This would not be too difficult or expensive to manufacture. Sony, HP, Dell, and many computer accessory manufactures could make this product for a nice profit.
Reward: I want one!

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