63 results found displaying 16-18
Require south-facing roofs Printer Friendly Version
I'd like to see legislation to require all new home/apartment/townhouse/commercial developments to have a certain percentage of south facing wall or roof area. It's for solar developement but the solar equipment is not required. The market place will one day soon demand that that area be used to collect energy and people will respond.
Reward: The end of the culdesac and more networked streets with added purpose

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Wind Powered Homes. Printer Friendly Version
If we can create huge wind turbines that capture the winds energy for the population then why can we not create a smaller version to attach to our homes? I would rather have a small turbine on my home that would capture and store energy produced by wind than pay an electric company for power. Its cleaner, less expensive, and better for everyone. I think we should spend as much time as it takes to come up with energy saving ideas that depend solely on using our renewable resources such as energy produced by wind and solar. Leave the water and fossil fuels alone.
Reward: I would love a wind powered generator for my own home someday.

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Eliminate Printed Ads/Coupons from Mail Printer Friendly Version
Almost everyday I get home and find page after page of ads and coupons in my mailbox. I immediately discard this physical "spam" in the conveniently placed recycle bin, which is full of the same ads that my neighbors in my apartment complex have thrown away.
It seems that most people don't even glance at these ads and it is a huge waste of paper (not to mention extremely annoying sifting through to make sure you don't throw any important mail away). I propose initiatives to cut back, if not eliminate, this daily waste of our needed resources. We have spam filters for email. Why not do the same for mail?
Reward: Feedback and any progress updates

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